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英文留学简历(美国留学简历怎么写)摘要: [db:Intro]...

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 Specialty:The Chinese Ink Wash Figure Painting


 Middle School affiliated to xxxxx of Fine Arts, Beijing 09/2000—07/2003 Senior high school

 Personal Skills

 Calligraphy, Seal Cutting, Print Woodcarving, Print Stone Carving, Sculpture

 Personal Works

 2006 The works of Ink Wash Sketch named “Girls Series” was selected for the exhibition of the 4th in May Art Cover Works in xxx of Fine Arts

 07/2005 Awarded the only golden prize of China in the brushwork contest of “Silk Road of the New Century” held by xxxxxxGroup

 2005 Went to Anhui Province for Sketch, and the works of “Hong Village Series” was collected by Chinese Painting Department

 2004 The works of “going to the Countryside for Sketch” was selected for the exhibition of Teaching Excellent Works in the end of year in China Central Academy of Fine Arts

 2001 The color sketch of “Still Life” portraying Middle School Attached to xxx of Fine Arts was left in school for collection

 The works of “Still Life” was also collected into the book of “Classical Works Collection of Teachers and Students for 50 Anniversary of Middle School Attached to xxx of Fine Arts” which was published in 2004

 Teaching Experience

 Tutored the art students more than 50 prepared for College Entrance Examination during the vocation, and now these students have been accepted by all kinds of art academies and comprehensive university

 Activity Experience

 2004 Was elected as the Chairman of the second Student Union in Chinese Painting Department

 12/2003 Organized the students of Chinese Painting Department to participate in performance activity for celebrating the New Year in China Central xxof Fine Arts

 2003 Was elected as the Organization Department Secretary of Student Union of Chinese Painting Department in China xcademy of Fine Arts was elected as the Monitor and Commissary in charge of sports in class

 2003 Was elected as the Proprietor of Diligently Studying Society in China Central xx of Fine Arts

 Honor experience

 2005 Awarded the third scholarship in xxx of Fine Arts

 2004 Awarded the honor of the excellent student leader in social work in xxx of Fine Arts


 Photograph, Going to the Countryside for Multi-Culture Collaborative Learning Project (exercitation in 31 places all over the country



 Sex: male

 Date of Birth: July 27,1955

 Ways of Communications:

 Mobile phone:



 July 1971 graduated from No.1Junior Middle School of Jilin Province of P.R.China

 Sep 1971 entered No. 1 Senior Middle School of Jilin Province of P.R.China

 July 1974 graduated from No.1 Senior Middle School of Jilin Province of P.R.China

 Aug 1974 became an "intellectual youth" and began to do farm work in my home village (such was the case for all middle school graduates during the "Cultural Revolution")

 March1978 entered English Faculty of Foreign Languages Dept. of Northeast Normal University of P.R.China through the first college entrance exam after the "Cultural Revolution"

 Working Experience:

 Feb 1982 became a teacher in English Teaching Office of Foreign Languages Dept. of Harbin University of Science and Technology of China; at the same time, working as a part-time translator in Language Translation Center of Heilongjiang Province and many other translation companies, with millions of characters of translation works covering many fields in such languages as English,French,German,Japanese, Chinese,Spanish, Italian,Russian, Arabic,Latin,etc. published both home and abroad.

 May 1998 went to Tokyo, Japan, and began to work as a Chinese lecturer at Japanese- Chinese College of Tokyo and some small-scaled Chinese classes in the society. Sometimes, did some translation jobs at home.

 Sep 2000 returned to China and started teaching English at Tsinghua University of Beijing and doing part-time translation jobs for various companies.

 Degrees and Qualifications:

 Jan.1982 BA of Northeastern Normal University of China

 May1992 TOEFL, score: 630 (composition score: 5.5)

 June1994 English Associate Professor of Harbin University of Science and Technology of China



