

yezi666 01-07 99
出国留学英语推荐信(介绍出国留学推荐信书写格式)摘要: [db:Intro]...


 申请学校可能会要求,推荐信必须具有信头,并且信头不能是打印出来的,这时候你就得去学校的商店里买那种专用的带有信头的打印纸了。 在北大, 学校的博实商店就有卖这种纸的,


 推荐信的称呼可以用 Dear Sir/Madam,Dear Admission Officer,Dear Colleague(要求你的推荐人曾经在所申请学校工作过) ,或者 To whom it may concerns等等。

 ****和日期写在推荐信最上方,信头之后,一般来说是写推荐人的****而不是对方学校的****。****在前,日期在后;****写在左边,日期写在右边。当然这里的****也可以不写,如果你在落款中已经写明了的话。抬头和落款中只要有一处写到****就行。写****的时候,注意写上推荐人的职务、职称、电话以及 email。


 结尾的落款,首先是顶格写一句敬称,Yours sincerely 或者 Sincerely yours即可。然后写上推荐人的****。下面给出一个最简单的例子:

 ours Sincerely,

 rofessor XXX

 ice Dean, School of Physics

 eking University

 注意,中间空了几行就是为了留给教授签名用的。教授的签名是凭他自己的习惯,有时候姓在前,有时候名在前,所以你的 Professor XXX 中的名字一定要和签名一致。至于这个签名是英文还是中文,要看教授的习惯。一般要求用英文签名,如果教授习惯用中文,那可以用中文。


 要知道教授给你签推荐信是一个很繁琐的过程,一般来说一封推荐信需要 3 个签名:推荐信上一个,推荐表格上一个,信封上一个;然后还要在推荐表上签一个日期。你申请十几个学校的话,教授就要签 50 个左右的名字,是很累的。





 Dear Professor:

 This letter of recommendation is for Caleb, a young man I have had the pleasure of knowing for the last 20 months. As a professor emeritus, I have come in contact with thousands of college and graduate students. However, Mr. Caleb stands out as a very extraordinary one with his research and teaching capability, personality and what is more, his "academic spirit".

During his graduate study, he worked as my research assistant first, then as a teaching assistant of our department. Usually it is hard for someone to be good at even either one. However, as his adviser, I was pleased to find thatboth works he did was far exceeding what is called good. For example, unlike most other graduate students who are eager to publish essays and thus fear to take pains to make exhaustive investigation for their research, Mr. Caleb made extensive survey for his in the project sponsored by Science and Tech Commission of "Chicago" municipal government.He searched every possible source of information within his reach and affords for related materials. As far as I know, he has been to Beijing to the National Library of China, Science and Tech Information Center, Tsinghua University s Library and most public libraries of "Chicago". He searched both in library and on web, which is a totally new approach to us. Neither was Mr. Caleb satisfied with second-hand information only. During the process, he also interviewed with supervisors of some scientific institutes of "Chicago" to obtain first-hand information.

 His teaching is equally praiseworthy. I often heard his students said that Mr.Caleb s lectures were interesting and enlightening and they loved to listen to his lectures. In fact, he has his own teaching style.To my knowledge,it is quite western. In other words, he pays more attention to arouse the desire of seeking knowledge among his students instead of maintaining a quiet and rigid lecture atmosphere as most other teachers do.Thus you can imagine his lectures are full of discussions, laughter and eager eyes of learning.

 His personality also impressed me so much. I would like to take only one case among numerous ones as example.This summer, I happened to have some thesessent to a professor who lived in another university for his review.It was so urgent that I could not wait even one more moment. Then I got Mr. Caleb to do it. He nodded without even hesitation. It sounds like not a big deal. However, it was scorching outside at noon then and it took him almost 1 hour s bike ride back and forth!

 Besides his research, teaching capability and personality,I think I should bring up the overwhelmingly strong point of Mr. Caleb--his academic spirit. Although I know that it is hard to define what is called "academic spirit", Mr. Caleb does prove it through his independence on his research, innovative perspective and commitment to academic activity. Frankly, I think it is the "academic spirit"that distinguishes him from thousands of college and graduate students I have ever known. With the "academic spirit", Mr. Caleb is marching steadily towards his career goal--an ideal scholar with time goes by.

 One more point. Mr. Caleb s English is excellent compared to most college or graduate students I have ever known.For example, "Chicago" municipal govern-ment held "International Friendship Month" and invited many foreigners (including guests from Clevend, U.S.A.) last summer. Mr. Caleb was chosen as one of 6 volunteer interpreters out of nearly 300 college and graduate studentswho applied the positions. Therefore I am sure that he will adapt to the rigors of graduate school life in U.S. without any great difficulty.

 Your kind consideration will be greatly appreciated.I would like to providemore information upon your request. You can reach me either by the home phone and mailing address or via Internet,my email address is: [email?protected]

 Thank you.





