

yezi666 01-14 79
留学公寓第一季(英国学生公寓详细介绍)摘要: [db:Intro]...


1. Basic Room

 Basic Room是指基本单人间,房间内只有最基本的家具和设施,浴室卫生间和厨房都是共用的。在由三个以下的Basic Room组成的Flat里配备一个卫生间,四个到七个Room的Flat配备两个卫生间。大部分学生公寓公司的配备会比此标准更加严格。Basic Room是这三种房型中价格最低的一个,所以是最经济实惠的选择。

  2. Ensuite Room

 Ensuite Room是另一种类型的单人间。它与Basic room只有一个差别:就是房间里带有独立卫生间及浴室。同样,一个Ensuite里面也会提供床、书桌、衣柜等设施。厨房是公用的。由于有独立卫生间,因此Ensuite Room的价格要比Basic room贵一点,

 3. Studio Room


4. One Bedroom Flat

 如果一个Flat中只有一个房间,那么这种户型被称作1 bedroom flat,也就是我们所说的一室一厅。这种房间是学生公寓中设施完备,面积比较大的一种户型。1 Bedroom Flat相对于Studio Room来说是指会客区和厨房部分是与卧室分离的,这种房型适合对生活质量要求比较高,资金比较充裕的人士居住。

  5. 相关名词介绍

 Cluster Flat/Flat/Apartment通常住在Ensuite Room中的学生与其他学生共享一个公共的厨房,这一个整体就叫做Cluster Flat。多个Ensuite Room合在一起就称为Cluster Flat,或简称为Flat或Apartment。一个Cluster Flat通常有一个公共的门,进入以后有多个房间,每间房各有一个门,每个房间都是一个Ensuite Room,多名学生共享一个厨房和客厅。这就类似于我们国内的大学宿舍,只是房间设施和居住人数有所不同。有很多学生公寓都提供团体预订,如果你希望和朋友一起住的,可以一同申请这样的Flat。这样的Flat适合喜欢热闹热爱交际的群居人士居住。


Rules of Student Apartment Management


1. All foreign students who put up in the school must obey the management of Foreign Student Office in the Internation Cooperation and Exchange Department and strictly follow these Hostel Regulations; any problems should be duly reported to the Office.


2. All students must return to hostel before 10:30 pm and no hue and cry or chasing about is allowed.

To facilitate hostel management and safety of students, after the start of the semester, students can only check out at the end of the semester; keys must be returned immediately after checking out, or the deposit will not be refunded.


3. Students are not allowed to exchange rooms in principle, under special situation where rooms exchange is required, application should be submitted to the Office and decision by the management personnel will be based on specific cases; otherwise, rooms exchange shall be considered a breach of rules and will be punished.


4. All items in the hostel must be cared and protected by students. Those items damaged or lost shall be indemnified accordingly.


5. All items in the hostel are not allowed to be removed or exchanged; please inform management personnel for safe-keeping of any unwanted items and duely registered as reference for checking out.


6. In order to maintain the cleanliness of public areas and clear corridor, no private items are allowed to stack in the public areas, otherwise, the items will be cleared away.


7. Pets are strictly prohibited in the hostel.


8. The use of electrical appliances like electric stove, electric heater and electric pad, as well as flammable items like gas cylinder are not allowed in the hostel. If discovered, the item will be confiscated and the owner will be fined.


9. For the prevention of fires, extra care shall be taken when smoking in the hostel; all lights and appliances like TV and computer must be switched off when leaving the room.


10. Please conserve water and electricity. Any breakdown should be duly reported to the personnel on duty or teachers in the Office.


11. After 10:00 pm, in order not to disturb students resting, all students in the hostel are prohibited to talk loudly, play audio, weight-lifting and drinking. Those who are in breach of the rules will be publicly criticized; for particularly serious cases, in addition to fines, the students involved will be evicted.


12. No outsiders are allowed to enter the hostel. For non-residing foreign students, they are allowed to enter only after registration and deposit of their identification papers with the hostel manager, and they have to leave before 10:00 pm. If overnight stay were to be discovered, the person involved will have to pay fines to the Office in addition to the lodging fees.


13. Please consult the Office if there is any doubt regarding the above rules.


Foreign Student Office, International Cooperation and Exchange Department.



