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佛罗伦萨留学(意大利风景迷人,留学费用性价比高)摘要: [db:Intro]...
















 佛罗伦萨大学始建于1321年,是一所崭新却拥有古老历史的大学。初名Studium florentinum,后通过1923年的一条法律正式更名为佛罗伦萨大学(意大利语:Universit? degli Studi di Firenze)。学校设有12个学院,现有注册学生约60,000人。佛罗伦萨大学是意大利最重要现代化高等学府之一。下面我为你介绍佛罗伦萨大学大学国际留学生课程。

  International Degree Programmes

 Following its internationalisation process and through specific agreements with the foreign academic institutions involved, the University of Florence can offer the following programmes in academic year 2016-2017:

 Joint degree programmes (titolo congiunto)

 Double degree programmes (doppio titolo)

 Courses taught in English






  Joint degree or double degree

 These are two possible ways to earn a degree "integrated" with a foreign university. The "integrated" programme entails a inter-university degree ruled by a specific agreement between the two universities.

 In case the outcome is a joint title, students are issued a single diploma signed jointly by both institutions. Alternatively, depending on the reciprocal agreements, for the same kind of title students can also be issued with two diplomas (double diploma mode).

 In programmes that feature the issue of a double title, each of the two institutions supply a separate national diploma.






  Programmes issuing a joint degree

 School of Law

 Single Cycle Degree in Italian and French Law (Laurea Magistrale a ciclo unico LMG/01)

 Offered since a.y. 2000-2001, as a result of an agreement between the University of Florence and Universit? de Paris I-Panth?on Sorbonne this programme will issue a combined bachelor and master degree in Law and Ma?trise et Master 2 en Droits fran?ais et italien. The course aims to equip future jurists with the skills to deal in more than one judicial system and to work in a European or worldwide environment. The curriculum entails the attendance of the first two years at the University of Florence and the following years at Universit? de Paris I-Panth?on Sorbonne.

 Access to the programme is ruled by a specific public announcement published yearly by the School of Law on the Official Register of the University of Florence and on the school's website.

 Single Cycle Degree in Italian and German Law (Laurea Magistrale a ciclo unico LMG/01)

 Offered from a.y. 2015-2016, as a result of an agreement between the University of Florence and Universit?t zu K?ln, this programme will issue a combined Bachelor and Master Degree in Law (Laurea Magistrale in Giurisrudenza LMG/01) a Bachelor of Laws and Master of Laws - German and Italian Laws. The course aims to equip future jurists with the skills to deal in more than one judicial system and to work in a European or worldwide environment. The curriculum entails the attendance of the first two years at the University of Florence and the following years at Universit?t zu K?ln. Access to the programme is ruled by a specific public announcement published yearly by the School of Law on the Official Register of the University of Florence and on the school's website.








  First Cycle (Bachelor's) Programmes issuing a double degree

 The participating academic institutions issue at the same time the two national diploma titles, following specific reciprocal agreements that entail the completion of an integrated curriculum of the same length as the single ones offered by the respective countries. The entire course is offered by both institutions, then on the basis of specific agreements, students participate to international mobility programmes on an exchange basis in order to qualify for the issue of the double degree from the partner university.

 School of Engineering (Ingegneria)

 Civil and Environmental Engineering (Degree code L-7) /Bachelor of Environmental and Resources Engineering in agreement with the University of "Sts Cyril and Methodius" in Skopje (Macedonia). Each academic year admission is open to five students for each institution. Students need to gain at least 30 credits at the partner university. Access to the programme is ruled by a specific public announcement published yearly by the School of Engineering on its website.

 School of Humanities and Education (Studi Umanistici e della Formazione)

 Languages, Literatures and Intercultural Studies (Degree code L-11) Curriculum: Italian-German bilateral studies / Bachelor Deutsch-Italienische Studien in agreement with Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universit?t in Bonn

 Each academic year admission is open to no more than twenty students for each institution. Students need to gain at least 48 credits at the partner university. Access to the programme is ruled by a specific public announcement published yearly by the School of Humanities and Education on its website.

 Languages, Literatures and Intercultural Studies (Degree code L-11) Curriculum: Italian-Hungarian bilateral studies / Romanisztika alapszak (BA) Olasz szakirny/Magyar alapszak (BA), in agreement with E?tv?s Lor?nd Tudom?nyegyetem in Budapest.

 Each academic year admission is open to no more than twelve students for each institution. Students need to gain at least 60 credits at the partner university. Access to the programme is ruled by a specific public announcement published yearly by the School of Humanities and Education on its website.?





 St Cyril and Methodius大学(马其顿Skopje)的合作协议下的环境与资源工程学士学位。每个学年录取每个学语啊录取5名学生。学生需要在每个伙伴学校获得至少30个学分。项目录取资格由法学院制定,请见每年公布在佛洛伦萨大学注册办公室的法学院公告或者登录学院网站。






Second Cycle (Master's) Programmes issuing a double degree

 School of Economics and Management

 Finance and Risk Management (Degree Code LM-16) / Finance and Accounting

 In agreement with the Warsaw School of Economics (Poland).

 In each academic year admission is open to up to five students for each institution. Students need to gain at least 60 credits at the partner university.

 Access to the programme is ruled by a specific public announcement published by the School of Economics and Management on its website.

 School of Engineering (Ingegneria)

 Environmental Engineering (Degree code LM-35) / Master in Geoenvironmental Engineering

 In agreement with the Polytechnic University of Tirana (Albania)

 In each academic year admission is open to five students for each institution. Students need to gain at least 30 credits at the partner university. Access to the programme is ruled by a specific public announcement published yearly by the School of Engineering on its website.

 Environmental Engineering (LM-35) / Master in Environmental Protection Engineering

 In agreement with the University of Novi Sad (Serbia)

 Each academic year admission is open to five students for each institution. Students need to gain at least 30 credits at the partner university. Access to the programme is ruled by a specific public announcement published yearly by the School of Engineering on its website.

 Environmental Engineering (LM-35) / Master in Environmental and Resources Engineering

 In agreement with the University of "Sts Cyril and Methodius" in Skopje (Macedonia)

 In each academic year admission is open to five students for each institution. Students need to gain at least 30 credits at the partner university. Access to the programme is ruled by a specific public announcement published yearly by the School of Engineering on its website.

 School of Humanities and Education (Studi Umanistici e della Formazione)

 Modern Philology (Degree code LM-14) curriculum: Renaissance Studies / Master Renaissance Studien

 In agreement with Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universit?t in Bonn

 In each academic year admission is open to no more than twenty students for each institution. Students need to gain at least 30 credits at the partner university. Access to the programme is ruled by a specific public announcement published yearly by the School of Humanities and Education on its website.

 European and American Languages and Literatures (LM-37) Curriculum: Studi bilaterali italo-tedeschi / Master Deutsch-Italienische Studien

 In agreement with Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universit?t in Bonn

 In each academic year admission is open to no more than fifteen students for each institution. Students need to gain at least 24 credits at the partner university. Access to the programme is ruled by a specific public announcement published yearly by the School of Humanities and Education on its website.

 European and American Languages and Literatures (LM-37) Curriculum: Studi bilaterali italo-ungheresi / Magyar Nyelv ?s Irodalom mesterszak (MA)/Olasz Nyelv, Irodalom ?s Kult?ra mesterszak (MA)/Irodalom- ?s Kult?ratudom?ny mesterszak (MA)

 In agreement with E?tv?s Lor?nd Tudom?nyegyetem di Budapest

 In each academic year admission is open to no more than eight students for each institution. Students need to gain at least 60 credits at the partner university. Access to the programme is ruled by a specific public announcement published yearly by the School of Humanities and Education on its website.?

 School of Mathematical, Physical and Natural Sciences (Scienze Matematiche, Fisiche e Naturali)

 Mathematics (Degree code LM-40) / Master in Mathematics

 In agreement with Universidad Complutense de Madrid

 In each academic year admission is open to no more than five students for each institution. Students need to gain at least 30 credits at the partner university. Access to the programme is ruled by a specific public announcement published yearly by the School of Mathematical, Physical and Natural Sciences on its website.

 Chemical Sciences (Degree Code LM-54) / Master en Quimica Avanzada

 In agreement with Universidad de Burgos (Spain).

 In each academic year admission is open to no more than five students for each institution. Students need to gain at least 30 credits at the partner university. Access to the programme is ruled by a specific public announcement published yearly by the School of Mathematical, Physical and Natural Sciences on its website.

 School of Political Sciences ?Cesare Alfieri? (Scienze Politiche)

 International Relations and European Studies (Degree codes LM-52 and LM-90) / Master in International Affairs

 In agreement with Moscow State Institute of International Relations (MGIMO University)

 The number of students admitted to the programme is variable, as long as the exchanges between the two institutions are balanced and reciprocal. Florentine students will complete their first year of studies in Florence and their second year in Moscow, gaining at least 60 credits from MGIMO University.Access to the programme is ruled by a specific public announcement published yearly by the School of Political Sciences "Cesare Alfieri" on its website.?










 根据与Vovi Sad大学(塞尔维亚)合作协议,每个专业每年招收5个学生。学生需要在伙伴大学获得至少30的学分。录取资格请见每年工程学院的公告和网站


 根据与Sts Cyril and Methodius大学(马其顿Skopje)的合作协议,每个专业每年招收5个学生。学生每年在伙伴大学至少获得30个学分。招生资格请见每年的工程学院的公告和网站。


 现代语言学 课程:文艺复兴研究


 欧美语言文学 课程:德语意大利语学习


 欧美语言文学 课程:意大利匈牙利语双语学习

 根据与 匈牙利罗兰大学(布达佩斯)的合作协议,每个专业每年招收不超过8名学生。学生需要在伙伴大学获得至少60个学分。招生资格请见人文教育学院公布的公告或者网站。




 化学科学 化学硕士







佛罗伦萨排名在世界前列,师资力量十分雄厚,校内环境比较优美,空气也很清新,在这里不管是上 班,还是学习,都能让人的心情愉悦平和下来。


免收部分或全部,属于公立大学,能受到教堂和政府的大力支持,资金方面得到充足保障;需 要缴纳1000-2000(?)的注册费用。

另外,校方实行多种类型的奖学金制度,会给予同学们部分住宿、餐饮、交通补贴,每个人都 有申请的权利和机会。


和罗马等大的都市相较而言,成本会稍微低一些,综合考虑住宿、饮食、交通、服装、医疗保 险、通讯等各项花销,每年大约花费70000-80000(RMB)。




