

yezi666 2023-12-29 117
留学动机(留学申请动机信模板英文)摘要: [db:Intro]...



 I am a junior student coming from Arts & Metiers ParisTech in France which is a mechanical engineering school and whose main task is cultivating general engineer. I have a good command of professional knowledge, and I am also capable in practice through study and experiment. However, I still long for a further study and improving professional skills, so I look forward to majoring in design of rotating machine at cranfield university in UK.

 There are four reasons why I long for an further study in cranfield university. Firstly, I ache with desire to experience and have education of a comprehensive university which has professional studies in different majors rather than a general engineering school. Secondly, I need to improve my English urgently. It is of great help in job hunting mastering English, French and my mother tongue Chinese. Lastly, I realize that I have great interest in machinery, and generally speaking I have a good report at some courses in my first school year, such as stress analysis, bearing design and gear design, so the knowledge I have mastered laies a solid foundation for me to further study design of rotating machine.

 I am confident I will have a good performance if your esteemed school would like to give me the entrance chance. On the one hand, my social experiences help me a lot. I have a good adaptive ability and I can merge into new environment quickly.

 For example, I had no idea about French as a foreigner at the very beginning, and I had never been in touch with French when I graduated from senior high school. After that I started to study french, and I entered Arts & Metiers ParisTech after three years of study. My work experiences make me deal with interpersonal relationship very well. I worked in a Chinese restaurant in the past, and I alsoworked as a trainee at Photonics Bretagne.

 On the other hand, I perform well at school. I have a good understanding in theory and I can understand the formula analysis thoroughly, moreover I like to share my opinions with members in group work, so I am competent for group work with students coming from different countries at Cranfield University. And I want to be a mechanical design engineer in motor corporation in the future, and majoring in design of rotating machine at cranfield university is of great help for the position.

 In conclusion, I have strong desire to further study at your esteemed univeristy. I really hope I will have the opportunity to improve my professional skills as well as overall quality, and it is a great honour for me to study and practice at the honorable school.



 开头应该以Estimado seor / seora 开头,对录取官做基本问候。同时开展自我背景介绍。












 有一些申请者在motivation letter中描写自己的成就或能力的时候,仅使用空洞的词语,而没有提出任何实际例子。所以提供事实来支持自己的观点是第一要务,可是值得一提的是,并非只正式的研究活动或比赛才被认为项目, 课程上的比较大作业也可以作为研究项目,也可以在动机信上装点门面。


 语法问题是一个我们常常提到的话题,而且这是国外学校的老师特别讲究的一点。在写作申请学校动机信时,学生一定要关注语法方面。进行认真的写作后,自己再审校几遍,如果觉得没必要,那也可以请你的同学或朋友帮你一个忙, 改正文书的语法错误。此外, motivation letter格式也是大家经常忽略的一个问题。即便学校没有对动机信格式的具体要求, 你也要遵循基本写作原则。

日本留学动机信怎么写 留学动机信范文分享










接着来看看 写作原则。














 Dear Sir or_ Madam,

 I appreciate that you can take time off your busy schedule to read my letter. This is a letter of my motivation to apply for the Master degree of Precision Manufacturing (MPM) at The University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland (SUPSI).

 First, allow me to introduce myself. My name is XXX. I’m a first grade postgraduate of Guangdong University of Technology (GDUT). My major is Mechanical Engineering and Automation. I get my bachelor degree in Mechanical Engineering and Automation at Wuhan University of Technology on 7th July 2011. After I graduated from my university, I worked in Jiangling Automobile Joint-stock Company for about 1 year. Then I took the Postgraduate Entrance Examination and was enrolled at GDUT at last.

 There are some hearty reasons why I like SUPSI and the major of MPM.

 Firstly, I am interested in MPM, for I have been studying in Mechanical Engineering and Automation since I started my university life. It’s well known that this major plays a foundational role of the developing of industry and it is easy for us to find a job. MPM, in my opinion, is a similar major with Mechanical Engineering and Automation. Exactly speaking, it’s the specialization and concretion of Mechanical Engineering and Automation. MPM in SUPSI based on a set of prominent and well balanced lectures that not only promote individual professional skills and cultivate their ability but also their creativity, management level and shape attitude. I think I can get more professional knowledge than I can get in land and extend my knowledge fields to enhance my competitive strength.

 Secondly, SUPSI can offer me good teaching quality. SUPSI is one of the eight universities of Applied Sciences in Switzerland. The university focuses on education based on professional need and on applied research, and at the same time, it provides a practice-oriented education and offers a wide range of master’s programs. The educational goad of MPM at SUPSI is to shape new professional figures characterized by research and operate skills through an effective training path constantly merging research and education. For my part, I prefer practice-oriented education to pure research-oriented.

 Thirdly, SUPSI can afford me a good environment to study. According to Global Competitiveness Report 2009-2010, Switzerland ranked number one among a total of 131 surveyed countries. It’s a reflection of a world-class capacity for innovation, combined with a highly sophisticated business culture. The country has a well-developed infrastructure for scientific research, with close collaboration between the leading research centers and industries. What’s more, the top-notch infrastructure, well-built education and health care systems as well as clean and beautiful environment all provide a safe, convenient, comfortable and healthy living environment for me to live and study.

 Additionally, SUPSI gives a preferential tuition fee. The institution cooperates with our university. Due to cooperation between the Chinese and Swiss governments on this project, the fees are low. I think choosing to study at SUPSI can lower the financial pressure to my family. Furthermore, after graduating from SUPSI, I will become more competitive and enjoy a more positive prospect in future job market.

 Finally, thank you for your reading again. I am seriously interested in studying at your university.

 Looking forward to hearing from you and with best regards to you.

 Yours faithfully,








 4. 得到日本友人的鼓励,留学决心更加坚定。




















 Dear Mr. /Mrs. :

 I appreciate that you can take time off your busy schedule to read my letter. This is a letter of my motivation to apply for the Master degree of Precision Manufacturing(MPM) of University of Applied Sciences of Southern Switzer- land (SUPSI).

 First, allow me to introduce myself. My name is XX. I’m a first grade postgraduate of Guangdong University of Technology(GDUT). My major is Mechanical Engineering and Automation. I get my bachelor's degree in Mechanical Engineering and Automation at Wuhan University of Technology in 7th July, 2007. After I graduated from my university, I worked in Jiangling automobile joint-stock company for about 1year. Then I took the Postgraduate entrance examination and was enrolled in GDUT at last.

 There are some hearty reasons why I like SUPSI and the major of MPM:

 First,I am interested in MPM, for I have been studying in Mechanical Engineer- ing and Automation since I started my university life. It’s well known that this major plays a foundational role of the developing of industry and it is easy for us to find a , in my opinion,is a similar major with Mechanical Engine- ering and tly speaking, it’s the specialization and concretion of Mechanical Engineering and Automation. MPM in SUPSI based on a set of prominent and well balanced lectures that not only promote individual profess- nal skills and cultivate their ability but also their creativity, management level and shape attitude. I think I can get more professional knowledges than I can get inland and extend my knowledge fields to enhance my competitive strength.

 Second, SUPSI can offer me good teaching quality. SUPSI is one of the eight Universities of Applied Sciences in institution focuses on education based on professional need and on applied research, and , at the same time, it provides a practice-oriented education and offer a wide range of master’s programs. The educational goal of MPM in SUPSI is to shape new professsional figures characterized by reseach and operate skills through an effective training path constantly merging reseach and education. For my part,I prefer practice-oriented educcation to pure reseach-oriented.

 Thirdly, SUPSI can affords me a good environment to study. According to Global Competitiveness Report 2009-2010, Switzerland ranked number one among a total of 131 surveyed ’s a reflection of a world-class capacity for innovation, combined with a highly sophisticated business culture. The country has a well-developed infrastructure for scientific reseach,with close collaboration between the leading research centersand industry. What’s more, the top-notch infrastructure, well-built education and health care systems as well as clean and beautiful environment all provides a safe,conve- nient, comfortable and healthy living environment for me to live and study.

 Additional,SUPSI gives a preferential tuition fee. The institution cooperates with our to the cooperation between the Chinese and Swiss governments on this project,the fees are low.I think choosing to study in SUPSI can lower the financial pressure to my family. Furthermore, after graduating from SUPSI, I will become more competitive and enjoy a more positive prosp- ect in future job market.

 Finally, thank you for your reading again. I am seriously interested in studying at your university. What I care most is, whether I can be accepted by you, I wis- h!

 Looking forward to hearing from you and with best regards to you!

 Yours sincerely,




