

yezi666 01-14 104
同和留学生(同和留学生)摘要: [db:Intro]...

Written application is as follows:

The loose farmland built an university professor good:

Very suddenly of write a letter to you really embarrassed, I call beard loyalty benefit, is 1 was born at China Anhui of 22-year-old girl, 2004 get into medicine department university medical science in the Anhui examination profession undergraduate course study, will in 2009 June graduation.Want to apply for your 2009 October old age of graduate student, get into monk study later on of course.

Attend school motive

I want participate your topic research of inception the motive be because of my grandpa, I grow up together with grandpa since the childhood, the grandpa send me to kid's park, take me to go out to play, the grandpa open laughter be me childhood of all memory, but at 2005 my university be grade two of time the grandpa suffered from an Alzheimers disease, from now on he no longer remember family, no longer have laugh heartily, that time since I urgent of wanting and find out method go to treatment my grandpa.Grandpa's fall ill has already had 4 year, I believe there are still many elephant grandpas and similar old mans in China because of senile dementia but ability no longer have with family share of time.The old age of China turn gradually severity and according to investigate, 60~69 years old is 1% ~ 2%;70~79 years old is 4% ~ be 8%, 80 years old above is 15% ~ is 20%.On these grounds calculate an our country to have a senile dementia a sufferer around 5,000,000 it many.In addition to senile dementia still have old age disease of prevent health care from etc. problem.But the old age of the our country health care related work but have never open to launch.Japan is a longevity population in the world most of nation, for old age health care's etc. have very deep of research, so I want to go to Japan study these knowledges to help those old people that need to be help.Build an university is I always like of university, it pay attention to graduate student education, development student of independence research ability, all of this is don't of the university hard to do.The old age stupid most beard depend on a family nursing and recover from illness, so I want to follow behind your study this aspect of relevant knowledge.

Profession background

Our universities pay attention to the student's foundation education, so totally set up 48 related academics during the period of university of study, among them Medicine, surgery, physiology, pathology, breath etc. medical science foundation lesson, also study with experiment related of statistics learn, experiment design etc. academics, believe would rightness later of research study have certain of help.Once once acquired to scholarship during the period of university, passed English is six classes, the study passed Japanese x-rated, and now is just prepare Japanese of 08 years a class examination and TOEFL.

Funds source

My father is the employee of medical college, and have oneself of factory, the mother be the nurse in the hospital, their incomes be all settled, and study abroad to me of affair very support.Just at aggressive prepare and plan, help I can next year smooth go to Japan study.

Future research plan and target

Research plan

Research purpose

Population advanced age's turn is a global trend, the our country advanced age turn progress positive continuously speed.Old age health the problem more and more cause a government and health policy-making agency of concern, with x-rated prevention is direction, have plan system the ground carry on a patient, Gao Wei2's crowd and health crowd management, possibly decrease complications and condition depravation.Lower the death rate is an exaltation old people existence quality of first important event.Reasonable meal, much food fresh vegetable fruit, increment the meal fiber absorb quantity, control weight, quit smoking, limit wine, should avoid spirit strain, attention mental state spirit hygiene, overcome inaction bad mental state.

Research contents

A, the influence of the living environment upon the old man mental state and health, according to existing old man of life the appearance mostly can is divided in to live in an old people's home alone, with the old companion live together to live in the old people's home, lonely, with the old companion live together, alone with the sons and daughters live, and old companion together with the sons and daughters live etc. six kinds of appearance.Because the environment Chinese medicine treat the level of the facilities and the mental state appearance of the old man influence old man life quality, for example the medical treatment, nursing, daily life look after and the health level higherly retire to enjoy life organization, can work well various familiar disease, much outbreak of health education and medical treatment nursing, early detection, early make a diagnosis and give treatment, prevent°from disease development, and satisfy old people spirit Wei book and mental state appease of need.

Two, toughen, the study is for the prevention of the Alzheimer's Disease.1, exaltation old people life quality, recover from illness train to the pass importance.Be advantageous to prevent°froming discard to atrophy with sex muscle etc. discard to use comprehensive advertise for of creation, make muscle and discard of muscle Jian use sex crispation not easy creation, availably prevent°from a body crispation and don't paralyze side of the muscle atrophy.In the meantime, relief to some extent of uneasy, valid prevention old age suppress Yu and Alzheimers disease of occurrence.2, study for recover from illness of senile dementia function.

Three, health education for old people QOL of exaltation of function, according to the old people's physiology, mental state and pathology characteristics, provide valid of health education, exaltation old age sufferer of life quality, development old age sufferer ego nursing ability, prevention complications, ease sufferer's family members and society of burden.Instruction from the food, use a medicine instruction, life style instruction, family nursing, mental state instruction, safety behavior instruction.

For the sake of completion above conceive of research plan, I will effort study old age concern etc. related academics, and effort exaltation oneself of language level, fight for attain with the aged communication have no obstacle, better completion research plan

After the graduation of plan, graduation empress I want to continue study doctor course, perhaps return to country to make oneself of contribute, basis circumstance decision.


Teacher, I with gratitude you patience of finished see this letter, I know me is not what famous brand the graduate student of university, our schools be just a province to belong to point university, and my Japanese level also not Gao, but for meaning my sincerity, I wroted this letter in Japanese.Just want show you I at effort, although do of still very not enough, the hope attain had better.




 从国内来的大多数小留学生上的都是boarding schools(寄宿私立中学)。这类住校生有特定的管理模式,对学生纪律有严格的规定。从起床,到上课,到课后的作业和活动,到一日三餐,都需要严格执行学校的安排。



 有一位妈妈,她的孩子13岁时来英国上学。起初她非常担心,恨不得在学校旁边租一套房子陪孩子。但boarding school并不允许家长每个周末都来陪孩子,而她也发现她低估了的孩子的能力。两年下来这位国内企业高管的千金已成为事事自己打理,且有明确目标的成熟小女生了。

 孩子12-13岁就出国,家长自然会很不放心。家长对孩子的担心是必然的,不过一方面boarding schools有严格的管理模式,另一方面因为孩子不在家长身边,独立思考和生活的能力会得到很大的提高。



















