

yezi666 01-06 117
英文留学申请(英文版英国留学申请书范文)摘要: [db:Intro]...



 As a child I often accompanied my father to his small coin shop and spent hours watching him work. When I was older, I sometimes set up displays, waited on customers, and even balanced the books. This experience instilled in me the desire to own and manage my own business someday, yet I understand that the business world today is more complex. This complexity requires more education, and with that in mind, I am applying to the Master’s of Business Administration program at Indiana University Bloomington (IUB).


 In addition to my helping out in my father’s business, I have had numerous other work experiences that further enhance my qualifications for this program. My resume enumerates the various positions I have held at Kerasotes Theaters, Chili’s restaurants, and Indiana University’s new Student Recreational Sports Center (SRSC), and what all of these positions have in common is an emphasis on serving the public effectively. Further, as an assistant manager at the Showplace 11 and a staff coordinator at the SRSC, I have gained valuable expertise in managing employees and creating work schedules. Both of these positions have allowed me to develop my sales and people skills, which are extremely important in an increasingly service-driven marketplace.


 Not all of my work experience has been as a paid employee. Part of my volunteering experience at Middleway House, the local battered women’s shelter, involved extensive work on computers, including word processing, organizing databases and creating spreadsheets. Also, I recently participated in an internship program for academic credit with the Eli Lilly corporation in the personnel division. As a management intern, I was able to watch the workings of a major corporation up close and would like the opportunity to combine my experiences with the theoretical background available in the MBA program at IUB, with its emphasis on computers, marketing and human resources.


 My successful internship is one element of my overall academic success as an undergraduate here at IUB, yet I have also made time for a variety of extracurricular activities, including working for my sorority and competing in intramural basketball. My positive experiences here have resulted in my desire to stay in Bloomington to continue my academic endeavors; furthermore, continuing my education here would allow me to make important business contacts, with the career goal of opening my own computer consulting firm in the Midwest.


国外的互动式语言环境相对于海内的填鸭式应试 教育 更有上风,喜欢国外教育方式的同学可以去申请 留学 。下面就是我给大家带来的2021大学留学英文申请文书格式借鉴,希望能帮助到大家!


Dear _,

Economics attempts to understand and address many of the world’s most serious problems. I would like to enhance my knowledge of the economic and social principles of global sustainable development, such as the divergence between rich and poor countries and how this links with the theories of growth so that I can help to alleviate the effects of these types of economic problems.

I have enjoyed the macroeconomic side of the course and I am looking forward to learning more about globalisation after reading The Undercover Economist by Harford as he argues that the benefits of globalisation outweigh the disadvantages, such as the “Race to the Bottom”. Furthermore, the article Globalisation Shakes the World by Schifferes brought context to Harford’s views by allowing me to understand the contrasting effects of globalisation on Bangalore and Michigan. In general I enjoy keeping up with current economic affairs and I am intrigued by the future effects of the recent migration of refugees from Syria into Europe and I am keen to understand whether this will be of benefit or burden to European economies.

I enjoy taking part in voluntary work such as my work experience in Uganda in August 2014. The visit highlighted the countries many issues such as famine, poor infrastructure and the vast inequality between developed countries and developing countries. This led me to read The Bottom Billion by Collier which enabled me to gain a better understanding of the positions of the countries at the bottom of the global economic system by explaining the four economic traps. This suggested that Uganda is a failing economy because it is landlocked by bad neighbours, as well as recently being stuck in the conflict trap, from which it has now escaped but is still at high risk of falling back into due to its low income and slow growth. The Bottom Billion also analyses the effectiveness of global aid. This had lead me to research about how Britain’s overseas budget is spent and how the UN aims to deal with global poverty. I found the UN’s 17 new goals regarding sustainable development and economic policy very ambitious particularly ending poverty and hunger globally and providing quality education for all by 2030.

In March 20_ I completed a Future Learn course about how genes influence cancer development. I found this very beneficial as it built on my knowledge of genetics and how this has been used to produce technological advances that may eventually cure cancer. For this reason I am currently doing another online course about wealth and income inequality with the Open University. As an academic scholar I thrive on opportunities for independent research and work, and these courses have allowed me to achieve these aims.

The subjects I have taken through to A Level have taught me valuable skills; Mathematics has developed my problem solving and data analysis skills and studying Biology and Chemistry has allowed me to think critically and improve my investigative skills. I am taking part in the Biology Olympiad competition which utilises knowledge gained from inside the A level course to answer questions outside of the course curriculum.

I enjoy the challenge that leadership brings whether in the Community Service unit visiting a local school or in my role as a School Prefect and House captain which has meant I have learnt the importance of communication, teamwork and commitment. Furthermore, I have chosen to become an academic mentor which includes tutoring younger students. Whilst maintaining a strong academic record I also participate in School hockey and netball teams and I have decided to take part in the Young Enterprise scheme this year to improve my understanding of the business world.

I have greatly enjoyed the challenges that I have encountered so far and I look forward to focusing my learning on a subject that I find intellectually stimulating and which will provide me a range of career opportunities

Yours sincerely,






对于去法国留学的同学来说,法语可能不是那么的好,首先在 出国 留学前,先去报一个语言培训班,学好基础的法语发音,的 学习 方法 就是和当地人用法语进行沟通。平常在学校里面,也可以和法国的同学去学习一下法语,参加一些学校组织的活动,认识很多的新朋友,这样对你的语言也有很大的提升。



四、 文化 上










这里不是“奥尔良烤翅”的那个奥尔良。这座城市因圣女贞德的 故事 而闻名,百年战争期间, 法国女英雄圣女贞德***民在此打败英国占领军。在这儿生活学习,平均每月的花销是778,15欧元。


佩皮尼昂东近地中海岸,西接比利牛斯山脉,是法国南部的旅游城市之一。这里不仅风景多样、山海相连,其温暖的气候更是让法国 其它 地区,特别是北方的民众羡慕不已;同时,佩皮尼昂地处法国与西班牙交界的地方,是加泰罗尼亚文化圈内重要的城市之一。平均每月776,20欧元的支出,你能够体验到阳光海滩与热情的加泰罗尼亚风情。不过别忘了,我们是来学习的!






主要是住房的补贴,不管大家是住校还是租房,都可以提交申请获得相应的补贴,这是由法国的CAF (Caisse des allocations familiales) 发放的,留学生是特殊申请的群体。

具体项目有社会住房补贴(l’allocation de logement sociale),个人化住房补贴l(’aide personnalisée au logement )和家庭住房补助( l’allocation de logement familial )。



会获取专门的学生卡,大家每次想要使用的时候直接出示证明即可,可以享受60余种体育项目,而且还可以去公立的 游泳 池或者体育馆,都不需要额外再交钱。


学校会强制要求学生购买医疗 保险 的项目,加入公共的医疗体系,以学生的身份加入,要花的钱会比本国的居民还要少一些,而享受的福利确是一样的,而且流程还会更简单一些。


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 The purpose of historical inquiry is not simply to present facts but to search for an interpretation of the past. The reason I want to study History is simply that it combines the excitement of exploration and discovery with the sense of reward born from successfully confronting and making sense of complex and challenging problems.

 History is fascinating because society is constantly evolving and as a result, the history must evolve with it.

 I seek enrolment in a program that not only maintains a superb reputation but that will also demand only the highest quality effort from each of its students. I hope that you are able to give me the privilege of continuing my studies on the level demanded by your prestigious institution. I have applied all my abilities and diligence to getting into Oxford.

 My aim has always been to excel in examinations, no matter how demanding they were. I made sure I achieved straight. As in all aspects of my studies.From my strong performance in my A level history exam to my past work experience, my background and qualifications have given me the skills to succeed in your program.Although school occupies most of my time, I have learnt the rewards of contributing towards school life and have been head student for two years. I take pleasure in debating issues that are important to me, and as part? of my contribution I set up a school debating society. This position has improved my leadership, organisational and communication skills and, given me the chance to combine my theoretical knowledge and my interpersonal skills to successfully debate issues closely related to history.

 Outside of academics, I am a keen sportsman, competitively playing hockey and football. Last year I participated in the AA regional school athletics finals, achieving first position. My other passion is swimming, I have been a member of Warwickshire swimming club for nine years. One of my biggest achievements has been taking the County Champion title and crowned the record holder in the men’s 200m butterfly.

 My swimming practices have also given me the chance to complete my life guard qualification, enabling me to gain work as a lifeguard. My swimming ability also helps with my interest in scuba diving. Last summer I volunteered to assist with teaching scuba diving at a school in Italy. This experience was extremely valuable, improving my communication skills and the appreciation of different cultures and backgrounds.

 For years, I have maintained a firm devotion to history. All of my experiences, coupled with a strong academic background, will allow me to embrace studying history at Oxford University.



