

yezi666 01-14 108
留学个人陈述模板(英国留学个人陈述PS写作模板参考)摘要: [db:Intro]...




 比如宾夕法尼亚大学的TESOL专业要求750words之内,康奈尔大学的LLM专业要求750 words之内,弗吉尼亚大学的景观园林专业要求600到750 words之内,佛罗里达大学和宾夕法尼亚大学的建筑专业要求500 words之内。




 我们这里说的字符数指的是计空格的。比如说佛罗里达大学的TESOL专业SP要求5000 字符之内,纽约州立大学纽波兹分校的珠宝设计专业SP要求4000 字符之内。




 Personal Statement

 My great curiosity about camera lens is rooted in a television interview when I was still a young girl. Hunan Television Station held a talent show called Super Girl Voice in 2004. I was a student in high school at that time, and I found the high audience rating brought huge viewers and the advertisers. It also made mass media to be a hot industry. I thought that was a potential job which would provide opportunities; prospects and material conditions for me to take off. Therefore I determined to choose mass communication to be my major.

 I am very proud to study in Communication University of China Nanjing College, which is the tiptop communication and media institution of higher education in China. During my undergraduate study, I find myself has been strongly attached to this specific territory. Achieving 82 of the GPA proved that I am an excellent student in my class. I learned basic methodology and theories of Broadcasting and TV program Editor and mass communication. There is no doubt that practice makes perfect. For that reason I have applied for my professional internship as a TV editor in Yueyang Broadcasting & Television Co. Ltd, which is the largest and most authoritative media company in Yueyang. During that intern work I applied what I acknowledged at school to actual process of producing television program, which includes programme scheming, transcribe programme, editing and broadcasting.

 Writing scripts and shooting films with my classmates is also my favourite. During the creation process, we exchanged our ideas and discussed about the problems of scripts, performing and postproduction is benefit from my strong sense of team work. Being a member of the university’s volleyball team instill the idea of ‘team work’ deep inside me. That is the very spirit which made my short film ‘timeline’, a cooperated film work, won the 3rd rate prize of ‘the 5th International Film Work Selection Practice’. No pain no gain!

 Emerging technologies is rapidly changing the media map. Internet, wireless communications and digital video technology are creating a new communications environment. Our world is becoming a earth village gradually which metioned by Canadian professor Marshall McLuhan first time in his in 1967. With the recent tendency of globalization, I wish to pursue my study in media communication. To find out how the methods and perspectives of media communication affect the ultimate communication effects and what global media can do to serve their social responsibility better under a globalization circumstances.

 The reason why I choose UK is because I am crazy about English TV drama Like ,, and so on. I am also enthusiastic about football very much and I want to watch the FA Premier League. I choose UK because UK is the media center of European. I can learn a lot of knowledge which I cannot acquire in China and broaden my horizon at the same time. There is an old saying in China: Reading over ten thousands of books is not as good as walking over ten thousands of miles. I will be influenced by many different cultures in UK.

 At present, my career ideal is clear in my mind. In order to combine my own career objective with social development and accommodate a wide variety of interdisciplinary knowledge, I will comprehensively study the interactive relationship between mass media and human civilization. That’s the objective law and trends. I pick up this programme with the most advanced research facilities and world-class faculty, to upgrade my knowledge of scientific research methods. And even when I type my Statement of Purpose word by word, I became even more determined with my choice. It’s quite convincible that my solid technical background will help me to understand more clearly the internal operation of the media communication. My adequate internship experiences will prepare me to be easily integrated into the media market as well. Equally, I’m certain that with your wonderful guidance I will play a better part in contribution to China’s media industry and add luster to my career.

 In the past three years, though sometimes I suffered setbacks, felt confused or dissatisfied with the reality like a rebellious youth, I have never stopped the pursuit of my interests and all-round development of myself. Modern undergraduate education focuses on the expansion of students’ major knowledge. As the world changing rapidly, only the all-rounders can best adapt to the global society. In this active atmosphere around our campus, I definitely seize the opportunities to cultivate the makings of being a media people.






 I am an inflexible girl all along, if I make my decision, I will hold on it. In my high school, I decided to become an actuary, during the seven years period, I firmly hold on my decision and approach to my aim step by step.

 When I got the name of actuary from the newspaper, I felt that I found my foreordination. From my childhood, I was infatuated with mathematics and was sensitive to the digital, so I felt that the accurate calculation could arose my enthusiasm on self challenge, besides I has strong insight on the market tendency, strong analysis ability on the problem and I am responsible for the enterprises, only the accurate calculation can help me exert my ability and my character. So I chose xx University as my early decision to learn the accurate calculation which is the best major in xx University.

 In my undergraduate, besides of the courses, I often browsed SOA, CAS web and got information on the latest accurate calculation tendency and these new technology ways. Such as enterprise risk management and the new development of dynamical financial analysis, and I also wrote a paper under the guidance of xxx professor. Especially, when I prepared for the exam F& P, I strengthened my basic knowledge on the accurate calculation and I not only grasped all kinds of formulas and concepts on the mathematics but also grasped the essence of the accurate calculation and the balance of the cash. After, I took part in compiling the insurance actuary science written by professor xxx, my task was to tidied and sorted the knowledge , then wrote them with myself language which made me understand the accurate calculation knowledge better than before.

 During the learning process, I got new realization from the accurate calculation, besides the knowledge, I need have management, communication ability and computer program ability, even though I must be familiar with the whole economy environment. So that I have learned S-plus, VBA, SQL and electron form financial management and economy, etc. and applied these theories to practices. Then in my junior holiday, I entered into an investment consulting company to practice, I took charge of compiling the daily trade analysis conclusion according to the news, enterprises financial form to carrying on the city analysis helping the stock trade activities. Until now, I took part in “College R&D outlay research statistics” presided by xx professor and pre- surveys, on the basis of these investigations, I also compiled the stage research reports. During this process, I did deal with the data and analyzed the data to exercise my ability on the computer applying and data digging.

 I spent my three undergraduate lives in learning and practicing, but I still hope to continue my education in your esteemed university which has advanced theory and better conditions for my study. Even though the front road is filled with hardness, I will hold on until I realize my dream. Because I firmly believe that if I pay for my efforts, I will get a good result.

出国留学如何写好个人陈述 写一份好的个人陈述申请优秀学校的一个关键因素,这里谈几点我的个人意见,仅供大家参考。做一个普遍的申请经济学专业的例子吧! 首先,在写Statement of Purpose的时候,最重要要谈自己个人的观点和见解,然后说自己将来打算怎么搞,这样才鲜明而显的有思想。我看以往申请人中大部分还是集中在写个人的成长历程那种模式的PS,如我是怎么样考上大学的,我在大学里面当过哪些官请加QQ:4006682821、我的成绩优异多次获得奖学金(这谁都会写,所以很不来劲,老外看多了一定会烦的,而且年年都还要看) 。所以很多申请的同学会问我没有自己的观点,怎么办?对!你说到点子上了,我去年这个时候也没有形成自己的观点。所以,你要多看书,最好看经济学/金融学相关的评论,不要杂,只要精,如前几年信息经济大行其道之时,很多人都看,几乎每个人都懂得“信息不对称”这个名词,,可实际上去研究起来,去解析整个GAME的模型却很难很难,,所以国外教授一眼就可以看出你的水平来。 其次,我认为英语写作能力最为重要。你有多少想法、专业观点还有很多个人素材都是靠英语写作去表达的。因此,很多人写完PS都会感觉到自己的写作比以前有所请致电全国免费热线:400-66-82821进步。建议大家把完成后的PS发给NATIVE SPEAKER和国外过来的同学看看,让他们提出意见,从而不断的修改,修改的过程中除了语病、还要注意文章结构、陈述的逻辑、用语简练等问题。 最后,还要指出,PS不宜过长,一般在1000字内适合,多出一点也无妨,虽然也有暴长型PS成功过的案例,但还是不提倡,因为评审的人员不会花太多的时间集中在一个人的材料上的。



